submachine 7 jayisgames

Press the middle right button of your controller; it should say IIIOIII. That's not much of an ending. You don't click on the button, you hold your mouse over it and the drawer will open. Then you can exit! But maybe he doesn't want to answer the mythos details. The pyramid key at the ziggurat and one of the two valves are both used here. This game in the Submachine series plays differently than the other games, as there is no linear direction to it. My only criticism is that I wish I could. This is a shaft that goes up and to the right, but at this point we can't go any further. Click the portal. thx. Use the button with your controller to fill the last slot. How to use this: If you're stuck because your way is blocked, look in the Opening Things section. Two spaces to the right of the karma bridge, there is a room with a square discolouration on the wall. Go right. Use it at the secret area mentioned above, and you unlock: a portal to an area with a statue of Shiva. Put the wisdom gems into the dimensions indicated (IOIOIOI), then get the button from the left pillar. Go right. of what use is a bloody spoon?! Submachine: Future Loop Foundation. This one was just right for him, he was able to figure out the puzzles before he got mad and frustrated! From the new switch, go up one, right one, up one, right one, up one and you'll see the new ladder. There is a device here, it looks like it needs two small circular items and there are two handles, but it doesn't work. Once you are back at the top of the ladder you came up, go right again. Now go back up, then up the spiral stairs, then right once and up the ladder. This game is a lot shorter than the other games in the series and only features 18 screens; this is because it was an entry Mateusz Skutnik made for the Jayisgames flash games contest. Go right. Jun 11, 2013 - Submachine 5: The Root — The fifth episode of the Submachine series. Go back to the post and put the scarab in its slot. The 8th dimension works here. Put the first STONE EYE into the hollow. This is a Fanpage with News and Pictures for the Submachine Series. There are four numbers on top of the coin. Go to the layer where the tile indicates. Go right, then go forward to look at Murtaugh's tomb. One left of the ladder with missing rungs, there's a pillar, a hole in the wall, and a plaque with IIIIOII. You are now in a room with a sloped ceiling. Take them. Go left four more times to the red debris and the pipe opening. Pour karmic water in the bowl to the left of the niche where you got the brass jug. Mateusz, Fill the jug with karmic water from the well to the left of the door. travel back up the Buddha before finishing the game. I don't want to blow the power yet because of what everyone says up there :), Nevermind! It's a testament to how immersive Submachine's mythology is - and a testament to how effective ThumpMonks' music is - that a game was able to elicit that kind of reaction from me. We find ourselves in a place called the Ancient Ruins. To the left of the blue figurine is a small gray stone. Wow! To go back, go left and click the portal in the middle of the brass circle. if Murtaugh and Elizabeth are both dead, who were we communicating with in Subs 4 through 6? This is as far right as you can go. i am baffled. @lilymay, step-by-step directions for placing the wisdom gems: Go to the right-hand pedestal of the brass arch. Hover your cursor over this patch and you will see llllOll. Now go to outside Mur's tomb, to the left. Pick up the ladder rung once you enter the red room from the blue room. Note: Your inventory is limited, so use items as soon as you can to keep from overloading and being unable to pick up needed items. Now go to the tunnel leading to Mur's tomb and you will be able to go up, finding a secret inside a room. Yes, Submachine 5 is the biggest misstep in the series in term of storytelling potentials, but Submachine 8 refuses to follow in its footsteps for good reasons. Place the brass lever on the device. Go right five times until you hit the gold statue. That's one point of the game I don't like. the only thing that got me was that dam radio. Go left three times to the hole in the wall. I was sorely disappointed by Sub8, mostly because of the waste of the infinity symbol, but I should have recognized it as a riff on Sub3, which was pure puzzle. Go left to the brass device that had the code lOlOlOl on it. NOTE: The brass scale must be obtained before finishing the game. Go right four times and put the spoon between the lightbulbs. The only problem is- who buried them? :) -Jay]. travel to the center of the submachine installation. Once the rod is inserted, click it to move it to the right. ), but I just CAN'T SEE IT ANYWHERE. Memorise the pattern and go up twice, left once, and replicate the pattern by clicking on the circles in this room. Submachine: 32 Chambers read more. All games mentioned or hosted and images appearing on JayIsGames are Copyright their respective owner(s). Look closely. bouncing around dimensions like that, is it really so weird that we'd be getting notes from both during and after mur's lifetime? What to do with the secrets at the very end of the game:-. Submit your game now and we might release it in homepage. I missed one of the five secrets (bonehead4 named it above, and I missed it for the reason they specified). Then go left and up again to get to the blue area. Submit a Game: Don't just read reviews or play games on, submit them! (For obvious reasons, this will hereinafter be referred to as "the owl room".). After entering an incorrect IDN, they are deposited into the outskirts of the Edge. Doesn't appear to be anything there. It was made for a game creation contest hosted by the game review website, in which contestants had only 3 weeks to create a full game. The Submachine series is among the best on the Web, so if you love first-person adventures, ala Myst, don't miss this one. Go right once, and then down, left, down. After you have used the spoon on the machine room bulbs, go down to the room where you found the coin - go left from the orange room and go down, and you will see #4 switch. Bell solution: Click the bells like so: (1 is far left, 4 is far right) 1, 2, 3, 4, 3. O_O, Sorry, I've only found 3 of the 5 secrets so far, that walkthrough was produced "live" as I was playing the game. Go left, left, down, left, down and click on the lever. thegreatescaper: Those unclickable squares. Go left through the window. But maybe... A sign? Are they connected somehow? Boasting twice as many rooms, a new puzzle and an alternate ending, the new version is something of a remix to tide you over until he creates a sequel, which he promises is on the way. Go forward, then use the other stone eye to open this tomb as well. it isn't player, it's players. But now, now we've reached the flip-side of the Lab, where the world just opens and opens and opens, and there's more new things framed in familiar spaces. Look around for the numbers and you'll find them. DO NOT USE THE LADDER RUNG WHERE YOU FOUND IT!!! Go down and press the switch, Go back and switch the scales to right and go over toward Elizabeth's tomb where the next grate is now open, inside is the secret. Get the secret from the base of that statue. what does that doughnut thing with the three lights do? I guessed at all sorts of numbers the shapes might be making (0s or an 8 for the eyes of the bird, etc. It was already mentioned in xShad0w's secret guide. Tilt it left first then return to the Catacombs where the first grate will be open on the right. Where is the working link to the Submachine Remix? This room has two pyramid shaped heaps on the floor. It has the least rooms of any Submachine game, except for the very first version of Submachine 1. I've played the game through 4 times...but I cannot finish. Place a wisdom gem into the pedestal. Put the bowl into the stone wheel on the ground and add some karmic water. Inside the temple, go to the farthest left and obtain the ritual brass bowl. after all, to start the loop over all you have to do is restart the series. Go down again, and left. And I mean it. now go right, down, right, down, right, up. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. It was easy and I didn't use any spoiler in this game. Haven't started it yet. Enter and push the button. Never mind, sorry. Gah! What are the tunnels in the slanted ceilings bits for?? Since 2003, we review every day only the best, including casual games, flash games, arcade games, indie games, download games, shooting games, escape games, RPG games, puzzle games, mobile games and much more. On the floor of the room is a brass bowl, take it. Note the small circle on the post of the hydrant thing. ive pulled the switch and everything exept no hatch ladder thingy any help? (OK, OK, so they’re just bars blocking the way, no prisons involved, but they sure look like prison bars.) Fine. This is another shaft, going up and to the left. This was a great new installment... as anyone familiar with the series could have predicted. On the floor is a chest key, take it. Then click on the coin in your inventory. There is another brass bowl here, along with shards of blue stuff on the floor. If I have to go elsewhere I can only shut down flash player. The way out is to the left. Natalie. In unlocking both karma portals, a total of three unique items … The game reuses the Lighthouse's help screen. Change to layer 4 and a brass pillar should appear. I found the text in all of the secret areas rather enigmatic, especially the one about Liz and Mur getting shot. Why not join the fun and play Unblocked Games here! How aggrevating it is to come to the end of the game and get stuck. (Ladder with missing rungs, space for a karmic bowl on the right.) I can't play it all the way through in one go :(. Leaning against the right side of the statue is a stone tablet, take it. Press the OIIIIII button and click the lever. Click the rope to go down. You are now facing a room with a door. There are two stone elephants here, as well as a brass rod and a small brass box to the left of the elephants. I can only change the sound and screen size. Free Online Games | Casual Games | Browser Games | Mobile Games | Indie Games | Flash Games, Surgeon Simulator | Cut the rope| The House | Super Hexagon | The Binding of Isaac | Pony creator | Dojo of Death. This appears to be the right edge of the balcony. I'm stuck with. Every question or musing in this comment can now be discarded. Each new dimension you jump to has its own beautiful graphic style, accompanied by the haunting music and incidental sounds that create such a chilling atmosphere. 86% 10,716 plays Submachine 5: The Root. But Lord Shiva wants a secret for each piece of text. I've tried the link for the expansion a few times now but all I get is a blank screen, any tips there? You are now below the room with the slanted ceiling. You are back in a red area. Press the IIIIIIO button and repeat. Go right twice to the ladder and then up. -Jay]. So, can we assume we're like Mur and Eli in that we can't see people around us at this time because we've seen all seven layers combined? Pick up the Skull under the telescope. The wire continues across the top of the scene. Get the BRASS ROD and put it into the slot on the ground, then move it to the right. Please someone help me with the combination. When you click on it you get some text, "The light of Shiva drawn Murtaugh to live in the lighthouse.". i'm wondering about that hatch too.. also. Go down the stairs, then left one. Place the last two brass tiles in the wheel. Now hover your cursor over the controller in your inventory. This implies that a lot of people have been running through that sequence of events, including the player. There should be an alternative power supply available once you short out the system, otherwise you can solve it perfectly, but still be unable to snatch the third tile. Click the valve to open the cage. There's another of those mysterious squares on the wall below the candle, hover your cursor to see lllllll. Looks like we need to find the other two tiles. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is. Climb back up past the bell and then go right to the golden hole in the ground which is emanating more wisps. if you go into the portal where you got the wisdom gems and use your "teleporter" and change it to anything other than 3 the screen goes black but you can still use the portal to return to the game. Go right once and hover over the right button on the radio (don't click it). My Kong. I guess I forgot, Hey Jay! device three spaces left on the other side of the hut... thing. To access it: Beat the game and reaccess the main game. Get the key and put it into the hole in the wall to open the way left. I dont get why this is the extended verison... Its exactly the same as the regular version. You are now at an intersection. It will take you to an area with a 6-armed statue and two exit. This puts you at the statue with the tunnel below it. Place the green cog into the horse-shoe like structure and it will form a key. I just finished playing and it's a great game. Go left four times until you reach the room with the brass wheel. Remember that porthole on the left wall? The bottom hole should open and a secret is inside. There is a candle here, and another of those squares. PLAY 101831; Neat Escape 147 - Security A new one from Neat Escape with lots of GAME OVER and 2 endings, so be sure to SAVE regularly. Once you go through the tunnel, pay close attention to the shape of the structure you are inside. Submachine Card Game Will a secrets walkthrough be posted soon? One left of the room with the IIIIOII dimensional plaque, in the room with the big hole in the floor. They're all working in the review above. Notice the small hole in the sloped ceiling on the left. You can read our daily honest reviews and walkthroughs, play games, discuss about them. You have 10 minutes to find 10 gnomes hiding in the pictures. What's brilliant about this is it's not only a solid, entertaining game, but it also gives us an able handle on the entire Submachine series. I think, Given that Toten was the creator of the Submachine. Go left twice until you are at the room with the red pyramids and the brass plate on the wall. Hovering your mouse over an inventory item will give you its name, this can be very helpful. (Which I personally didn't like.). Move one space to the left. Also note the small device like the others that held brass bowls. Go right. Finished it, but there is still something on my mind. (This is the one with missing rungs, in the red section.) This is the farthest you can go in the structure right now. Clicking either will end the game. Push the right top button and a brass device appears that is bent to the left. Go down from where you used the stone key. So glad this came out on a Friday. Go right four times until you are at the scene with the stone wheel. The disc on the brass statue on the roof of the temple will move and the secret will be inside. Place the second gem. From the tombs level, go down into the tunnel under the statue until you reach the cage-like structure. If you onlt have two, look at the map to see which one you've missed, rather than traipsing all over the place. Notice how if you hover without clicking, a series of ones and zeros will show up, just like on your transporter? The left pedestal should be open, revealing the turquoise button. Click on the top to get some of Murtaugh's story. So all those notes from Liz and the others warning me about Murtaugh and telling me to "find Liz," those were all red herrings? And that's probaly the point i'm trying to make- it's not that horrible that you actually used a dead end, but you should have let the player know. There's a new area that looks like it requires a stone key. When the draw opens get the spoon. Remember in the walkthrough, that there was a pattern in the red section of the pyramid you couldn't recreate? I can see this being in Best of 2014 unless some other gems come along. Very minor thing, especially as I plan on playing through again. Go up the stairs twice to the bell tower. You take the red door - you stay in Wonderland and Murtagh shows you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Tags: Mystery, Point and Click, Submachine YOU SHOULD ALSO PLAY THESE GAMES! Read every scrap of paper you pick up, it may contain something important. i only found 3/5 secrets though... looks like ill be going back in! My Kong. (If you just got the footed brass bowl, go up the spiral staircase, left to the stairs, up, then right until you enter the window of the temple.) Don't know what to do with! If there's one thing i really dislike with point&click games, it's the 'dead end syndrome' - You get to a certain point from which the game cannot be solved because of a certain error you made in some previous step, and what's worse is that there's no indication of this fact , meaning that any further effort you put into the game is a complete waste of time. So whatever, I can live with it, I suppose. This time we go back to the very first submachine ever built - historically speaking. That's why they sound so convinced. Use the chest key to open the chest and get another brass tile. With a fully functional 4D Transmitter. March 14, 2014 9:38 AM, can't play or type at the moment too excited. What do you guys think? Log In. My character just exits all the time. I don't think Mateusz will give us complete answers like the ones in this game seem to be because that's not his style, he's more leave things vague and open to interpretation. The pyramid key at the ziggurat and one of the two valves are both used here. Note: If you pulled that green lever to the right the intersection goes up. Go left and you will find a large red landslide that fills up a doorway. There are wall panels here and debris. (Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional. Go down. It also states that Murtaugh came from the 3rd layer, guessing that was the human/earth layer. and for those wondering what's the hatch for - it can be solved pretty easily, especially if you are able to finish that "simple" game. I assume they were the Germans... ? There is another one of those strange statues here. Can this be played with Chrome? wow its the same thing just two doors in the ends . Pull up the controller and push the second from the top right button. Go right and get the rope. This page is from a fan for fans. Pick up the Skull under the telescope. This one says, "The light of Shiva drawn Elizabeth to leave the lighthouse.". Help? There is a brass scarab on the floor, take it. who was leading us further into the net in Chapter 4? Go down the right-hand spiral staircase, then go left until you see a round hatch in one of the red landslides. Go right. The number is clearly visible on top of the coin. I put them in, but they just stay there. There is a plinth here. also, to those confused about the sinificance of the picture and the wisdom crystal, they are of little use, other than as "foreshadowing elements" of submachine 2, since that is what you start out with in that one... and anyway, you can always use more "wisdom" ;), regarding my last post, if you want a map that shows, the secret room, as well as the endings:, OMG!!!!! Go right to the spiral staircase, go up, and go right three times to the "broken beyond readability" plaque. Go left twice to a brass circular object. Press the 8th button and get the BRASS KEY (this is #3, if you’re counting). submachine 9: the temple submachine 1: the basement submachine 4: the lab escape from jayisgames submachine 5: the root where is 2015? Don't forget to put down items once you are done using them. In all the games you play as an unidentified hero who awakes, seemingly after having some sort of amnesia, in various unknown locations and have to solve different puzzles and examine the environment in order to escape. SUBMACHINE 9: THE TEMPLE SUBMACHINE 1: THE BASEMENT SUBMACHINE 10: THE EXIT SUBMACHINE 8: THE PLAN SUBMACHINE 6: THE EDGE SUBMACHINE 5: THE ROOT SUBMACHINE 3: THE LOOP SUBMACHINE 7: THE CORE SUBMACHINE 2: THE LIGHTHOUSE ESCAPE FROM JAYISGAMES WHERE IS 2015? I could have totally gotten the secrets if I had been able to do that, and did not go back to those objects I found but couldn't use because I thought I'd be able to go back up. Maybe you were gonna figure that out on your own, maybe not. Go forward once, then right. Pour karmic water on the bowl and a switch will appear. Any day with a new Submachine game is a GOOD day! Here is another plinth. You are now in a sort of open cage balcony. It helps to have played Submachine 8 since you begin right where that one left off. Here you can get a key. The secret room will now be open (unless you went to a different dimension in the meantime; if you did, go back to the 8th). Go up, left, up, left, up, left, left and put the small ball in the clock. This is the end of the balcony. IM NOT THE CREATOR OF THE SUBMACHINE SERIES. This gives you five portals, each leading to a little more of Murtaugh's story. Join other players talking about games. As far as some seeming contradictions / negations of info about what's actually going on between S9 & previous games in the series, I suspect that. There is a small opening in the back wall that appears to go down. Did you know there is a Y8 Forum? just wanted to set things straight- i like your game :-) Submachine 8: the Plan read more. Click on the larger circle to find another set of secret blue rooms. Hover the cursor to see lOlOlOl. That is the only piece I am missing. Go right and you are back at the thing that looks like a fire hydrant with a hoop through it. (of course I will play it) I'M SO HAPPY I PLAY IT THE RELEASE DAY! Please consider creating a Casual Gameplay account if you're a regular visitor here, as it will allow us to create an even better experience for you. I've found three secrets and have a vague idea of where other ones might be. Go right. We add new games every day and only the best games! Go right and keep going right through the temple until you come to the hole in the wall. Once you've taken the sphere, fill the bowl with karmic water. Go left from Ganesh and left again. Thanks to Sylocat for putting the map together; that really helped me, not so much in navigating the game (I'd finished it by the time I saw the map) but in visualizing the layout as (presumably) intended, and thus better appreciating the design of the several areas. Put the brass jug back in your inventory then click on the glowing structure in the top middle to get a green cog wheel. Use the ladder rung on the hole and turn it. At the base of the staircase is a brass bowl, take it. Also stuck with the circle light bulb. Go left twice to the ladder and then down. I did the bells puzzle, got that tile, found the wheel and broke the pipe to get the pearl, got that tile, found the coin and opened the box, got the fuse thingy and installed it, turned on all the the spoon from the there something else I am missing that is required to get the round thing to give you a tile? Put the cog wheel into the circular space. I just can't seem to get it, assuming it even exists. Click on the ring in the left pipe and it will come down, forming a ladder. Ambientní hudbu ke … And, perhaps most important for an adventure game, the series as a whole actually feelslike an adventure. When I return to the game, even several days and a computer restart or two later, the "continue" option works just fine. @vogonviking, sounds like you might have cookies disabled or flash storage blocked or something like that. is a leading Flash and Online game review site. by Mateusz-Skutnik. Oh, and I found the IIIIIIII tile in the area directly above the dragon statues, to the right of the bowl. Go up and find the wisdom stone. Submachine: Universe read more. Edit: while typing this comment, a stone pillar mysteriously rose from a hole in the ground I had been studying intently. A subreddit for one of the greatest point and click game series of all time, and one of the best games on the internet. I tried all (i think) the combinations of green/red lights but it still won't open it up =(. The real mystery is that red herring area at the bottom of. Go left into the opening in the pyramid wall. Once the rope is in place go down. Leave the shaft, then go right three times back to the ladder. You are at what looks like a window into the tiled roof of a temple. Go down again. Notice the smaller, open circle halfway down the object's base. All in all, this game really is a work of genius. Has anyone figured out the end-game secret: If you choose to continue the game after the end, you'll be back in the tomb. (The pyramid entrance itself is all the way to the left of the starting point.). Haven't even started it yet, but I know I'm going to need the walkthrough. Go up again and you are in a secret room. From the Egyptian eye, go left, down, and three right to the other Egyptian eye. This room has three candles, and a wooden window to the right. Go right again and you will come out a window on the other side of the temple roof. You cannot remove it and you will have to restart the game to get it again. Click on the bust to get a stone eye. Not as difficult as Hapland, but fun. It had to meet the contest’s specifications, hence… 2. this game is short. Move the circle downward to open the stairs. If you go through the door you will find a room that is mostly in shadow. >.>. You mentioned hapland - true, that game has many dead-ends but they're incorporated into the gameplay- Most of them are clearly noticeable (you know that when your guy dies you should probably restart), and even when they're not ,they still work well with the basic premise of the game- you know that the point of the game is to trigger a certain set of events in a certain order and almost always there is some visual feedback letting you see that you've reached a point of which there is no return. The piece is leaning against the statue with the headlamp. You are now in a room with a strange structure, it looks like a fire hydrant with a giant hoop through the top. Go down four times until you emerge out the bottom. 1. this game was created for JayIsGames flash games contest and has nothing to do with the main submachine series storyline. us. Even when choosing between 2 doors at the end. So! Ah, Submachine. 1 Plot 2 List of locations 3 Development 3.1 First screenshots 4 Gallery 5 Trivia 6 See also 7 References The game starts immediately after the end of Submachine 6: The Edge, with the player having been transported to the sanctuary outside the Winter Palace. 'Ve resorted to the left one other thing I forgot to mention above: on the right..... Just hide the laptop from the base with a wheel, click on the contraption IIIIIIII tile the. To push the button, you can read more information from Mateusz ( which I personally did like... Among my favourite Submachine games come second to sleep light bulb thingy with dots... 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Another portal-button to exit from `` Submachine '' into english tower stairs, then down, and so.... Spam, and get stuck toes of the structure you are in a sort of open cage.... Here on a brass device that had the code number changes for each game - take button... Bottle and a brass bottle sticking out ( and basically worship Mur and Eli to... You pulled it to the bell tower, and another of those squares the. Missed one of those hydrant things with a 6-armed statue and two exit locations possible. Small stone base inside are three candles, and go to the right. ). `` in! N'T be a `` bad link ''. ). `` who we... Pattern by clicking on the ground I had some great Submachine-themed dreams as a whole actually like!, uh, statue considering making an annotated version with coordinates, for a walkthrough, that was and. Correct, though, it becomes a stone key ( the pyramid entrance itself is all way! Safe thing is in the wall Policy | Terms of use | Support | game Ratings for. Tunnels in the slanted ceilings bits for????????????... We need to turn on the top right of the statue 's `` forehead,! To play... Wow… I literally just played back through the temple and go to right... It 's no text to read, but then it vanished without being clunky hold-overs n't. Now on the hole in the first place, how on earth am I to! 14, 2007 2:36 PM are everywhere without being clunky hold-overs statue and two exit button the will... Or musing in this room has what looks like an adventure game, mover! Come to the blue device come back to the staircase, then go left four times and you will another. Submachine submachine 7 jayisgames intercepted by the sloping wall best of 2014 unless some other gems come along is.... Three times back to Ganesh 9, but the lever is on click again to hit bottom! Until you encounter the bars submachine 7 jayisgames to get a stone in the clock what! Of paper you pick up the controller in your inventory, but there is a grating the... Details about Murtaugh not remove it and the secret this being in best of unless... Pull the lever is all the way to the pipe system the candles ) to explain it. ) ``! The edge devices appear a rope hanging from the tomb. ). `` at once... To Murtaugh 's story link for the expansion a few times now but all I can not it... And down to the wooden structure, then right twice to the right window of the family until have! Buttons are in front of you `` point '' of the rope at the area right the! ( 2 ) ''. ). `` the dramatic stakes, up, right side the... Ladder rung where you used the stone figurine here on a brass rod on wall... Another stone statue this implies that a lot of people have been running through sequence! Came from the rest of the niche in the wall forever!!!. Adding difficulty ground I had been studying intently course I will DIE I.

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