emotionally focused couples therapy case conceptualization

Unfortunately, when infants dissociate, the distressing feelings do not go away but become locked in the central nervous system, ready to be triggered by way of a conditioned response whenever there is a reminder internally (thoughts, feelings, memories) or externally (the environment) of the early trauma. Its formation begins in childhood with a primary caretaker, such as a parent.. Once again, they were having significant impact on each other without realizing it. I don’t deserve to feel so scared, bad, and in so much pain. J Marital Fam Ther. Any time Dave perceived Angela to be defining reality for him in some way – such as by telling him what to do, insisting she knows best, making the decisions and criticizing how he does things – he would resist her control directly by arguing and later indirectly by acting passive-aggressively (e.g., forgetting what he had agreed to do). 2009;16(2):285-300. Although she recalled that her birth was normal, her mother became depressed after her birth and she had stayed with an aunt who was not particularly warm for most of the first six months of her life. I suggested that that likely she would have experienced overwhelming feelings of pain and helplessness as an infant as the result of being separated from her mother during this critical period of development, feelings that would have been reinforced as a child when her mother was ill and the home disorganized. I encouraged Angela and Dave to contain, soothe, and heal the intrusive feelings that were triggered in the relationship by relating to them from a wise perspective (see the article, Listening to Our Feelings from a Wise Perspective). I want to feel respected.”. I validated both Angela and Dave for risking being more vulnerable with each other, and for their willingness to experiment with a new way of communicating with each other. Both were tired of the conflict, and wondering if they were compatible or not. Also, it made sense that Dave was feeling frustrated because he wanted her to “let him be” in order to do things in his own way. The only protection that an infant has against experiencing intense trauma feelings, therefore, is a highly attuned caregiver who responds sensitively to the infants’ needs before they reach high levels of distress and fall into the freezing response. EFT is collaborative and respectful of clients, combining experiential Rogerian techniques with structural systemic interventions. Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) is a therapeutic approach that aims to help clients to become aware of, viscerally experience, accept, express, utilize, regulate, and transform emotion. EFT provides a language for healthy dependency between partners and looks at key moves and moments that define an adult love relationship. Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples As described earlier, EFT has been applied with great success to couples struggling with problems in their relationship. The purpose of this paper is to explore the assumptions, the goals, and the process of emotionally focused therapy (EFT) for couples and families through a cultural lens. Formation and disruption of bonds between caregivers and institutionalized children. I am safe now”. Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) views clinical disorders as, at base, emotional disorders. The freezing response is a biologically in-wired physiological reaction that occurs in the animal kingdom whenever an animal can’t fight or flee from a predator and is utterly helpless. The position taken by Angela evoked recursively the position taken by Peter and vice versa. (9):3-18. PLoS ONE. Doing so helped them to contain, soothe, and heal the feelings. Dave’s greater assertion of influence was evident in how he expressed his feelings and need to be respected as an equal in a clear, responsible manner. Grounded with thirty years of process and outcome research, Emotionally Focused Therapy takes the attachment perspective out of the research lab and into therapy sessions with individuals, couples, and families. Selecting a Theoretical Perspective He complained that this was the only relationship in which he was bossed, that he didn’t like feeling like a subordinate, and that he was frustrated because she persisted in being bossy despite his complaints. Jones, L. K. Emotionally focused therapy with couples — the social work connection. On the influence dimension, there was an increased openness to influence on Angela’s part and a greater assertion of influence on Dave’s part. When incoming information is familiar, the amygdala is calm. She noted that they had always had a lot of conflict, nearly separating a few times. Case conceptualization refers to how a therapist thinks about, or conceptualizes, the client’s concerns. Emotionally Focused Therapy Case Conceptualization. Angela would then become more accusatory, and the fight would become more heated until Dave would withdraw. From an adult’s point of view, if an infant is in a high level of distress crying alone in its crib, there is no danger. I will illustrate each of the steps using the clinical case of a Angela and Dave, a hypothetical distressed couple experiencing a lot of conflict. Both realized that they were insecurely attached as infants, and that they didn’t deserve to have the intense, intrusive feelings that caused them to be insecurely attached to each other. Following Dr. Geoffrey Carr’s theory of intrusive feelings (see the article, Intrusive Feelings), the underlying, more vulnerable feelings – such as sadness and fear – are called intrusive feelings. It is grounded in research while focusing on negative communication patterns and love as an attachment bond., "Attachment" between people typically provides a safe haven: a retreat from the world and a way to obtain comfort, security and a buffer against stress. Angela, a part-time teacher in her late 20s, requested an appointment for her and her husband, Dave, who was in his mid 30s. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079314. In this view, although we are entitled fully to whatever we feel (see the article, About Feelings), it is best to own and take responsibility for whatever we feel as belonging to the self rather than blaming others for our feelings. Research studies have found that 70-75% of couples undergoing EFT successfully move from distress to recovery, and approximately 90% show significant improvements. Because typically partners in distressed relationships view deficits in each other as the problem, reframing the relationship problem in terms of the feelings that underlie the negative fight cycle expands their view of the problem and helps them to unite together to change the negative cycle. ), Attachment theory and research in clinical work with adults (pp. Dave assumed the position of being one-down or subordinate by allowing her to define reality, albeit with protest. Couples learn to express deep, underlying emotions from a place of vulnerability and ask for their needs to be met. People go into a self-preservation mode, often doing what they did to "survive" or cope in childhood. Cultura RM Exclusive-Lost Horizon Images / Getty Images, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a short-term (eight to 20 sessions) and structured approach to couples' therapy developed by Drs. In other words, her pursuit evoked his distancing, and his distancing evoked her pursuit. I suggested that their pattern on the influence dimension was as follows. Emotionally focused therapy and emotion-focused therapy (EFT) are a family of related approaches to psychotherapy with individuals, couples, or families. Angela expressed anger in the form of criticism and blame. cess of developing a case conceptualization and treatment plan is time-consuming at first, over time it will increase the likelihood you will provide effective and time-efficient treatment. I suggested that both of their intrusive feelings were being triggered in the relationship and that these intense feelings underlay their mixed, negative cycle. Next, I directed Dave to say to Angela, “I feel anxious when I experience you blaming me for not spending time with you”. Dec. 15, 2020. Typically, Angela assumed the position of being one-up or dominant by defining reality in some way for both of them. New sequences of bonding interactions occur and replace old, negative patterns such as “pursue-withdraw” or “criticize-defend.” These new, positive cycles then become self-reinforcing and create permanent change. According to the website dedicated to EFT, a substantial body of research outlining the effectiveness of this treatment exists. It is now considered one of the most (if not the most) empirically validated forms of couples therapy. As Angela and Dave expressed their feelings and needs more responsibly, they felt less defensive and found it easier to validate each other (see the article, About Feelings). Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT - Emotionally Focused Therapy) is a structured approach to couples therapy formulated in 1980 and developed through the science of adult attachment and emotional ties to expand the understanding of what happens in relationships and to guide therapists. In Step III, I help partners acknowledge feelings that typically underlie their positions in the negative cycle and are largely not in their awareness. The infant’s experience of mild distress quickly escalates into overwhelming feelings of helplessness and pain if the infant isn’t responded to in a timely and sensitive manner. Emotionally Focused Therapy(EFT) is a short-term form of therapy that focuses on adult relationships and attachment/bonding. 2013;39(4):407-20. doi:10.1111/jmft.12020, Gabatz RIB, Schwartz E, Milbrath VM, Carvalho HCW, Lange C, Soares MC. In Step IV, I reframe the relationship problem in terms of partners’ underlying feelings and attachment needs, and the negative cycle as partners’ misguided attempt to reestablish their attachment. After validating their secondary emotions, I began to explore tentatively their underlying, intrusive feelings. Learn the best ways to manage stress and negativity in your life. The change process has been mapped into a clearly defined process consisting of nine steps and three change events that help guide the therapist and track progress. For example, I said to Angela, “I’m wondering if you don’t feel neglected and unloved when Dave plays computer games rather than spending time with you at night.” When she answered affirmatively, I asked her what it was like to feel neglected and unloved. Neuroscience also intersects attachment theory and EFT. It argues that other forms of psychotherapy have overemphasized conscious understanding and have underemphasized the roles of emotional change. The more we allow and feel the feelings with an attitude of wisdom and compassion for ourselves rather than escape them, the more they diminish and resolve. Both said that they not only felt more heard and understood, but also felt some relief about understanding their feelings and relationship patterns more fully. Dave indicated that he loved her very much and showed his love for her in other ways. On the influence dimension, Angela’s way of avoiding anxiety (being controlling/over functioning) triggered Dave’s anxiety about losing his individuality, and Dave’s way of avoiding his anxiety (protest followed by under functioning passive-aggressively) triggered Angela’s anxiety about loss of control. Social Work Today. For example, Dave chose to reduce the amount of time that he spent on the computer at night in order to spend more time with Angela. It made sense that Angela was feeling resentful because she wanted more closeness and contact with Dave. Expressing feelings responsibly also includes revealing responsibly the needs associated with our feelings. Angela replied that if she didn’t take charge the house would be a mess and nothing would get done. She had lots of resentment toward Dave – such as his giving more to his employees than to her and playing computer games at night rather than spending time with her. According to Dr. Carr, in order to understand how an infant is traumatized, it is important to recognize that it is the infant’s experience of the event rather than the event itself that is traumatizing. For use with individual, couple, or family clients. The freezing response in humans is called dissociation. As I explored their conflict from both their points of view, I began by validating their secondary emotions. This is typical of distressed partners, who tend to avoid exposing their vulnerable feelings with their anger. The theoretical tenets of EFT are based on the integration of attachment theory, affect theory, experiential therapies, and system theory. I said to Dave, “I wonder if you don’t feel anxious when you feel blamed by Angela for not spending time with her,” Dave stated, “I guess so, because I feel tense and on edge.” When asked if this was a familiar feeling, he stated that he often felt tense growing up when his mother was critical of his dad for coming home late which led to conflict between his parents. The case conceptualization frame- work assumes that the client’s general distress, which shows in the form of undifferentiated painful emotions characterized by hopelessness and helplessness (global distress) or by irritability (rejecting anger), is the response to current and past triggers. Dave would respond defensively. Case formulation in EFT represents an organizing framework and a map to help therapists specifically address these emotional problems. When humans dissociate, they detach from their experience and feel numb. Whereas in Step III partners begin to develop an awareness of their underlying feelings, in Step V, I inform them that these feelings are best understood as intrusive feelings that derive from early trauma. It pleased him to know that he was contributing to her happiness. In Step II, I identify the negative cycle of interaction that maintains the couple’s distress and undermines a secure attachment. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg in the 1980s. She began to tear and said, “It’s painful “. Case Formulation in Emotion-Focused Therapy: Co-creating Clinical Maps for Change, Washington: APA Books . On the affiliation dimension, there was a softening on Angela’s part and an engagement on Dave’s part. Initially, Angela and Dave had a hard time believing that experiences they could not remember would have traumatized them, resulting in insecure attachments to their primary caregivers. Also, I suggested that he would have felt bad about himself (shame) when he was dropped off at his grandmother’s each day and experienced her lack of interest in him, feelings that would have been reinforced as a child when his father was intoxicated and angry with him. Influenced by the theory and science of interpersonal neurobiology, the essence of Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) is to support caregivers to increase their role in their loved one’s recovery from mental health issues. Then, I directed Angela to respond by reflecting back what she had heard Dave say using the new way of communicating I had just introduced. Benson LA, Sevier M, Christensen A. I pointed out to Angela and Dave that there was a pattern to their conflict on both dimensions of interaction, which is called a mixed, negative cycle. What they found most interesting was how much impact they had on each other in this fight cycle. Once home, his mother returned to work after about four months and he had been cared for by his maternal grandmother, whom he recalls being cold. On the influence dimension, Angela thought that she and Dave shared influence fairly equally, but Dave disagreed strongly. Also, they experienced an increasing basic trust that their partner loved them and wanted to meet their legitimate, dependency needs. Also, she resented that he failed to show expressions of love and interest in her – such as writing her love notes or enquiring about how she was doing at work by text – despite her frequent requests. This enables them to contain, soothe, and heal the feelings rather than avoid them by trying to change their partner. Therapist (to Dave): I’d like you to tell her, “Let me see if I got you” and then paraphrase what you heard her say. Demand-withdraw patterns in marital conflict in the home. Includes online forum access with select EFT trainers and a free e-book copy of Attachment Theory in Practice They had been married for three years and did not have children. Dave was unaware largely that beneath the defensiveness and withdrawal of his position as distancer, he was feeling anxious and overwhelmed. These conceptualizations inform all aspects of treatment, including who should attend sessions, the type of therapeutic relationship, the therapist’s theoretical orientation, and therapeutic interventions. After a few days of little contact, Angela would initiate talking again. Also, I suggested it was understandable that Dave felt defensive when he perceived that she was being bossy in some way. The process reduces couples’ conflict while creating a more secure emotional bond. It shifts blame for the couples' problems to the negative patterns between them, instead of the couples themselves (or the partners). In actuality, these steps are mutually overlapping and recursive. He also started to text her daily at work enquiring about how her day was going. When this occurred, I encouraged each of them to validate the partner’s experience without feeling responsible for it. Emotion focused therapy for couples consequently emphasizes the interpersonal experience, expression, and processing of emotion within a relational dyad (Greenberg & Johnson, 1988; Johnson et al., 1999). Therapists who provide emotionally focused couples therapy (as the approach is also known) typically work with couples and families to help facilitate the … It is grounded in research while focusing on negative communication patterns and love as an attachment bond. In other words, if someone says or does something in relation to me (the stimulus), and I have big feelings about it, it is important that I realize that what comes between the stimulus and my big feelings is myself, how I interpret the stimulus based on my own trauma feelings and history. Clinical Case: Emotionally Focused Therapy Angela, a part-time teacher in her late 20s, requested an appointment for her and her husband, Dave, who was in his mid 30s. Step II: Identification of the mixed, negative cycle of interaction. As Dr. Geoffrey Carr articulates in Making Happiness, it is important to remind ourselves that although the strong feelings we experience are being triggered in the present by way of a conditioned response, the intensity of these feelings comes from the distant past. Infants don’t understand why they are in distress, or when or if the distress will stop. Case formulation guides therapists in developing a treatment focus and assists therapists in generating a map to guide formulation. Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples.Guilford Publications. Step VII: Creating positive interactions and a more secure attachment. Once the amygdala is activated, it triggers our fight-or-flight response. Learning about each other’s early experiences in life and trauma feelings contributed further to seeing each other in a more positive and compassionate way. Dissociating provides relief from overwhelming, intense feelings of fear, shame, and pain. On the influence dimension, I suggested that Angela’s controlling behavior was a way of avoiding anxiety by being in control, and that Dave’s passive-aggressiveness after his initial protest was his way of avoiding anxiety and feeling diminished (shame). Likewise, I explored the intrusive feelings that underlay Dave’s position as distancer. Step VI: Expressing intrusive feelings and associated needs responsibly. Although they perceived that they were having little impact on each other because neither were feeling heard, in actuality they were having enormous impact on each other. Both felt increasingly comfortable, safe, and accepted by the other. Attachment theory provides the emotionally-focused therapist with a "road map" to the drama of distress, emotions, and needs between partners. “A powerful video, useful for practitioners, educators, and students, especially those studying or working in Couples and Family therapy. Step III: Accessing unacknowledged feelings underlying partners’ positions in the mixed, negative cycle. The former refers to how partners relate to each other in terms of emotional closeness; the latter refers to how partners share influence with each other. Feelings are like a compass in that they orient us to what we need, to what matters to us (see the article, About Feelings). The primary goal of the model is to expand and re-organize the emotional responses of the couple. Explore each partner’s feelings related to that interaction cycle - recognize what each individual is … Finally, I suggested that these feelings were triggered in the marriage whenever he experienced Angela being blaming and controlling, resulting in his initial defensiveness and subsequent passive-aggressive resistance. As Angela and Peter allowed themselves to feel their intrusive feelings more fully, I encouraged them to express these feelings and associated needs responsibly (see the article, Responsibility for Feelings). (2010) Emotion-Focused Therapy for Complex Trauma: an integrative approach. Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg in the 1980s. As we terminated counselling, I congratulated Angela and Dave for their efforts and changes, suggesting that, because change is uneven, likely they would hit some bumps moving forward. Emotion‐focused therapy (EFT), which is an efficacious treatment for depression, complex trauma, and couples' distress may also be efficacious for SAD. As they allowed themselves to feel their feelings, I encouraged them also to relate to the feelings from a wise perspective by saying: “These are old feelings. If you are looking for help with a distressed relationship, an EFT trained therapist would be a wise choice. This freezing response, in which the animal looks dead from the outside but is highly activated internally, is adaptive biologically because the animal has a greater likelihood of survival by appearing dead. What they found interesting was how much impact they had on each other in this fight cycle. More recently produced MRI studies demonstrate the significance of secure attachment. Our attachments are potent, and our brains code them as “safety.”. 2013;8(11):e79314. Angela and Dave showed a lot of negative emotion in their marriage. In his mind, he was easy going and she was bossy, constantly telling him what to do and criticizing how he did things. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Angela was unaware largely that beneath the criticism and blame of her position as pursuer, she was feeling anxious, neglected, and unloved. You find it painful when I go on the computer at night rather than being with you.”, Therapist (to Dave): Now, I’d like you to ask her, “Did I get you?”, Therapist (to Dave): Now, I’d like you to ask her, “Is there more about that?”, Dave (to Angela): “Is there more about that?”, Therapist (to Angela): I’d like you say to him, “Thanks for listening.”, Angela (to Dave): “Thanks for listening.”, Therapist (to Dave): I’d like you to say to Angela, “As I’ve been listening, what I’m experiencing is …”, Dave (to Angela): “As I’ve been listening, I’m concerned that you are feeling sad and neglected at night. The more we realize this, the more we are able to contain the feelings; that is, to feel the feelings without being overwhelmed by them. 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