flexdashboard user input

A Flexdashboard is build from an Rmarkdown file. Here’s a simple example of a flexdashboard that uses Shiny: The first column includes the {.sidebar} attribute and two Shiny input controls; the second column includes the Shiny code required to render the chart based on the inputs. There are a couple of significant benefits to using Shiny Modules in the context of flexdashboard: You can define Shiny Modules within a separate R script. Shiny is RStudio’s framework for creating interactive graphics and web-like applications. Display label for the control, or NULL for no label. I am trying to create a shiny/flexdashboard in which the table can be refreshed by uploading a new file. Here we create an interactive dashboard with flexdashboard and Shiny by modifying the dashboard we created in Chapter 12 showing global air pollution. The methods all work fine in a traditionally styled Shiny App. Reactivity is what makes Shiny apps responsive, automatically updating whenever the user makes a change. R flexdashboard and shiny interactive plot. When embedding Shiny components using an inline application definition an