oscar smith high school district

Located in the Chesapeake Public Schools at 1994 Tiger Dr in Chesapeake, VA, Oscar F. Smith High School serves grades 9-12 and has an enrollment of roughly 2076 students. "now":n<60?n.toString()+"s":a<60?a.toString()+"m":o<24?o.toString()+"h":i<7?i.toString()+"d":s<5?s.toString()+"w":l.toString()+"mo"}},getAgoFriendly:function(e){var t=Date.now();if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),n=Math.round(r/1e3),a=Math.round(n/60),o=Math.round(a/60),i=Math.round(o/24);return n<0?"Today":n<60?"Today":a<60?"Today":o<24?"Today":o>=24&&o<48?"Yesterday":i<7? Welcome to the Oscar Smith Tigers football program website. I love the staff here they are very sweet and they care about the students here I feel safe sending children to school because I can count on the staff to keep them safe. I love to play sports there but not only we win most of our games in general. Explore photos, sale history, & open house information for millions of listings. I really appreciate everyone at the school even my bad teachers because they got me ready for the bad people that I have to work with in life. "Last 7 Days":i>=7&&i<14? Oscar F Smith High is 1 of 7 high schools in the Chesapeake City Public Schools. My daughter was behaving like a two year old, and as I was giving up and leaving in tears, he took her and kept her for me until Mrs. Ward was done with her presentation. The policy is also available for viewing in the student agenda. 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I entered this school as a Junior last year with a warm welcome by every teacher I met. "For Rent":"For Sale",i="#00b100";else if(e.listing.sListingStatus.contract)a=s? 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Oscar Smith High School. Narrow your search by price, size & location to find your next dream home. (Ke&&Ke.schools&&Ke.schools.data.length>0);if(e){a.classList.toggle("school-btn-selected");t.getZoom()<14&&t.setZoom(14)}else a.classList.remove("school-btn-selected");Se.call("schoolChange",e)}),google.maps.event.addListener(t,"zoom_changed",function(){var e=t.getZoom();Ke&&Ke.schools&&Ke.schools.data.length>0&&e<14&&(a.classList.remove("school-btn-selected"),Se.call("schoolChange",!1))})}function q(e,t,o){var a=document.createElement("div");a.className="map-type-btn bs4--rounded-circle mr-20",o&&a.classList.add("layers-fab-btn"),e.appendChild(a);var n=document.createElement("button");o&&(n.tabIndex="-1"),n.className="bs4--mt-auto bs4--border-0 bs4--bg-transparent",n.innerHTML="Satellite",a.appendChild(n),n.title="Toggle Map Hybrid Mode",google.maps.event.addDomListener(n,"click",function(){Ke.type=Ke&&"hybrid"===Ke.type? 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